Tag: BipolarAwareness


I used to think thinking, even overthinking, something was wrong with me  I’ve learned  By me thinking?  I don’t judge  Other people’s judgments and/or opinions of me have something more to do with them and not me  This is freedom to me  #PauseReflectMoveForward    

This Is Me

I allowed society to call me #bipolar. I allowed it so much I even titled my 2nd book of poetry Welcome To My Bipolar Mind https://amzn.to/2PJtjpYwhich is geared towards anyone dealing with anxiety and/or depression and offers hope for a better tomorrow. But you see, as I learned and believe in my heart I was […]


I hate feeling low In those times I want to know which way to go When will I know? A mystery to me That I’d like to solve Before I dissolve I really do want to evolve To resolve All my questions Left unanswered And my thoughts Clarified I don’t care Nor do I dare […]

An Easter Miracle

An Easter Miracle I went to see my daddy in the hospital as he had been admitted to the ICU for various reasons. It was early when I arrived about 5am on Easter morning. I had gotten dressed for church not knowing which service I would attend, but wanted to be ready so I would […]

Will I?

Will I? Last night I was the youngest one there I didn’t care I was on a mission To cure my condition Of love gone wrong Hoping for it to go right And help me sleep at night My 30 day journey is almost over Will it be enough? Will this help me be tough? […]