

Can I rest my head on your chest?
I just need to rest
I know I am blessed
But damn sometimes I just get stressed
Let’s not talk
Let’s just lay here for a bit
Then maybe go for a walk?
My mind won’t shut off
I need to get off
Let me sit on your face
I know you can erase some of my thoughts
Before I get caught
I know I have resting bitch face
Help me erase
Let my mind stop turning
Help keep me learning
About being the best me I can be
I am ment to be free
I like being alone
It shows me I’ve grown
What’s next is unknown
But in the meantime
While I’m busting my rhymes
I’d like to keep a smile on my face
And remind myself never to chase
No not like in a horse race
But by keeping me out of the rat race
No I’m not like the others
I like to be under the covers
With someone to hold me late at night
And in the morning
And after my day
So together we can play
But right now I can’t
And I won’t
Because I need to be left alone
To remind myself how much I’ve grown
You see this is my season of preparation
For my next destination
Either be patient or don’t
Because giving up on my dreams I won’t



Holly DressON NOT Holly DressOFF

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