Tag: toxic relationship

Stop Pointing Your Finger at Everyone Else and Take Self Responsibility to be Able to Evolve Tomorrow

No matter what role you play in life, it is your responsibility to get you right so you can share the wisdom you’ve gained in life with others.  One of the things my mom told me over the years prior to passing at sixty-four until I was thirty years old, “You are the reason I […]

Parents Who Experience Parental Alienation

The father of your children or the mother of your children may have said some things about you that aren’t true during the transition phase of your family living together to your family not living together.  Break ups are especially challenging for children.  Children don’t understand why their parents aren’t getting along.  Children don’t listen […]

50/50 Custody is Possible Post Parental Alienation

The Thanksgiving holiday has always been my favorite holiday and this year I find myself challenged trying to express the gratitude my heart feels for a complete stranger.  Three years ago on Thanksgiving day I didn’t receive a text or a call from my minor children Last Thanksgiving I had approximately two hours with them  […]


I call her Christmas She reminds me of when I was eighteen and in what I thought was love, with a narcissist He was so nice He was so handsome He was so sweet We would drop to his feet If that is where he would want us to eat Anything to make him happy […]


I’ve known misery And it loves company I paused and reflected on my life About the things that have been done to me I learned so many lessons I now call them blessons Happiness is a choice Which is why I choose to use my voice You are reading this today Because I could no […]