Let’s face it
It isn’t always easy
And easy isn’t always the way to do things
We have people in our life that will tell us we shouldn’t do this
We shouldn’t do that
But those feelings they have?
Is due to their lack
Something they wouldn’t do
So who helps you push through?
Your own feelings of lack?
Maybe someone at the gym?
Someone online?
Someone right next to you?
When someone you know shows strength?
Learn from them
But also try to be there as a friend
Because ones strength wasn’t just given
It was learned
Through their life
I’ve never met a strong person with an easy life
I believe if their life has been easy?
They haven’t taken risks
Opportunities to stretch
I’m a bet the farm type of woman
My God doesn’t believe in safe living
He believes in me
Believes I am capable
Because I have done things
Others haven’t
He has given me this gift
That others with my same condition
They wish they didn’t have it
Now that I know I have it
Because I didn’t know
For 40 years!
Now that I do?
I’m doing my best to share my strength with others
That thing inside you that only you seem to have?
Is your gift
It has been given to you to show others
They can make it through too
Hold on to your faith
It will give you strength
Something you never thought you would have
Then one day it clicks
And you realize that clock will begin to tick
We aren’t promised tomorrow
Do what you have to do to get rid of your sorrow
To show yourself
6 of 30 in the series