

It will help you through life
Even when things may not be quite right
Look in the mirror and you’ll see
All that you are able to be
Allow yourself to receive
Your life?
Is not make believe
It is what you make it
Turn off the TV
Don’t compare yourself to others
If you do?
You’ll find out it smothers
Not only will it help you
It will help those around you
You never know what someone is going through
Don’t continue
To cry
And lie
To yourself
Your accomplishments belong on a shelf
For you to refer back to
You cannot continue
To relive the past
If you do?
The sadness will last
You’ll never make everyone happy
First you have to start with you
Only you know what you have been through
Not everyone is supposed to understand
Your life is for you
Turn the page
Of your story
And bask in the glory
Of what you have done
Your life now?
Has just begun

27 of 30 in the series



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