Tag: hope


I call her Christmas She reminds me of when I was eighteen and in what I thought was love, with a narcissist He was so nice He was so handsome He was so sweet We would drop to his feet If that is where he would want us to eat Anything to make him happy […]

Which Way

Using your voice takes courage Believe it or not you can find courage if it is what you seek We can’t continue to turn our cheek All that does is show how we are weak During quarantine we all had the time to pause and take a peek At our own self reflection In order […]

I Grew

In the past I wasn’t my best self I recognize that now Even though at the time I thought I was I did the best I could with what I knew I was blind And did not see How much I had lost me Now that I am found I spend quite a bit of […]


The more I said, wrote, thumbtyped, Pause Reflect Move Forward the more I moved forward without the opinions and judgments of others and have learned to live my best life. I challenge you today when you come across a situation or a decision you have been on the fence about to say those four simple […]


I used to think thinking, even overthinking, something was wrong with me  I’ve learned  By me thinking?  I don’t judge  Other people’s judgments and/or opinions of me have something more to do with them and not me  This is freedom to me  #PauseReflectMoveForward