A Message to my Children

A Message to my Children 

I pray that you make mistakes

And when you make those mistakes I hope you’re aware that you’re making them

Sooner than later

This way that you can learn

And teach your children

Maybe even a friend

Maybe your spouse

Mistakes are a part of growth

And growth is a choice

You can choose to grow

Or you can choose to stay the same

Either way

At one point of your role as a parent

You will be looked at to blame

“You did this, so that’s why I am the way that I am“

When the fact of the matter that simply isn’t true

The mistakes that your parents make are for you to learn from

To realize that you have a choice to break the cycle

Or to repeat the past

I hope one day the blame you put on me you’ll let go and be free at last

#PauseReflectMoveForward 🦋

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